I think people are racist because they feel something good inside them when they act that way. I also think that they act that way because of how their parents are and how they were raised. People do that because they feel like they are more important than someone else just because of their race, the country they are from, the way they look, the way they act, and also the way they talk. You can also be racist by thinking that a person is good or bad. One example of how I think people learn if someone is a good person or a bad person is by when you look a movie and they see like how the bad beople dress and act, so they relate it to the real life. So for example i saw someone bad in a movie dessed with a tuxedo, so in real life I will think that every person dressed with a tuxedo will be bad and mabe harm me in some way. But really thats not true, like if you see in a movie a black person as the bad guy you think every black person is the same. Or also what i think is that most of the homosexuals are very built up, i don't know why i think that but it is partly true. I wouldn't mess with a homosexual they are dangerous and play with dolls you wouldn't want to be like that. So thats why I think people are racist!!
Emilio Kafati
Still missing a picture