The influence of fear in the Salvatrucha can be seen in many points. They influence fear I people firstly because of the guns they carry, how the dress, their tattoos, their graffiti in the walls, all their diabolic symbols, and the drugs they consume. Lets start with the guns, mot of the members of la salvatrcha carry a weapon. They always use it on someone who gets in their way so that causes a lot of fear in people when they see that innocent people were killed by the salvatrucha. The next thing that causes fear in people is how they dress up, they dress like all gangsters with the big jeans and the big shirts and maybe short ones so people can see their diabolic tattoos so people fear them and don’t mess with them. The next thing is the graffiti in their walls; I think that means that they are marking territory because when they paint the walls people don’t get near there because they are scared something will happen to them. Most of the graffiti they paint is like the name “SALVATRUCHA” or like sex figures or big guns. I think that their mind is just full of sh**, because that is all they can think about and that is what makes a good member of the gang for them. The last and in my opinion most important and fearful part of all the members of the salvatrucha gang members is their influence in drugs and the people who deal the drugs. Drugs are already part of their daily life they cant live without it. That brings problems to whomever that relates to one of the members. If they have problems with the drug dealer, maybe the dealer will harm their family members or something. In conclusion, The members of the savatrucha cause a lot of fear in people because of all the points I discussed above.
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